
Nutrition Information

High Nutritional Value


Brolos lobsters are acclaimed for its sweet and fresh ocean taste, as well as the high nutritional value and protein content.

Tasty and Nutritious


There any many types of lobster around the world, but what gives the Brolos a unique flavour cannot be replicated – the fresh, clean ocean taste from the pristine Indian Ocean. Caught along the coast of Western Australia, a nutrient-rich feeding ground resulting in lobsters that are the most natural and fresh.


They are not only known for its fresh taste, but also being rich in natural Omega 3 and low in trans fats and carbohydrates which is extremely good for your health.

More To Enjoy


Brolos lobsters only requires minimal preparation making them easier to enjoy than ever, you just need to simply following the recipes recommended in the recipe section.


Also, there is much less wastage with a Brolos lobster than other variants like clawed lobster. All of the meat is in the tail section, making it easier to remove. The legs and horn also contain meat, and the head/ shell can be used in a stock to add flavour to other dishes.